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Japanese Learning Resources
  • I was creating a list of online Japanese learning resources on [Notion](htto://, so I figured I'd put it here as well for everyone's convenience. This will be updated as I find more resources.
  • Feel free to suggest any websites you know as well.
  • ## JLPT oriented material
  • - [Marshall Yin's Website]( - a fully featured, comprehensive course on Japanese, with complete study materials and detailed reference for learning Japanese and preparing for any level of JLPT.
  • It even has quizzes and tests and badge to help motivate yoourself.
  • - [Wasabi Self Learning Materials]( - a storehouse of a large collection of Japanese learning materials including videos. This is the free portion of their service.
  • ## General Learning
  • - [Tofugu]( - A well maintained and written blog with well researched articles on many, many aspects of the Japanese language, fully explained.
  • - [Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese]( - A free online book(incomplete), plus grammar related resources and more useful links.
  • - [Emory University Japanese Kanji Podcast]( - A set of 173 free recordings on iTunes for learning kanji.
  • - [Kanji Damage]( - A wiki for 1,700 kanji with funny explanations, simple mnemonics for radicals, and yo mama jokes, filtered out based on usefulness.
  • ## Practice Tools
  • - [Don's Japanese Conjugation Drill]( - for auto-generated Verb and Adjective conjugation practice.
  • - [Koohi]( - A place to aggregate reading material and practice vocabulary from them, create flashcards, and more.
  • - [Kana Pro]( - for auto-generated Hiragana and Katakana reading practice.
  • - [WaniKani]( - A comprehensive vocabulary practice tool, free till basic level.
  • ## Reading Material
  • - [Crystal Hunters]( - A manga which is oriented primarily toward beginner Japanese readers, with a full guide on how to read and understand the book.
  • I was creating a list of online Japanese learning resources on [Notion](htto://, so I figured I'd put it here as well for everyone's convenience. This will be updated as I find more resources.
  • Feel free to suggest any websites you know as well.
  • ## JLPT oriented material
  • - [Marshall Yin's Website]( - a fully featured, comprehensive course on Japanese, with complete study materials and detailed reference for learning Japanese and preparing for any level of JLPT.
  • It even has quizzes and tests and badge to help motivate yoourself.
  • - [Wasabi Self Learning Materials]( - a storehouse of a large collection of Japanese learning materials including videos. This is the free portion of their service.
  • ## General Learning
  • - [Tofugu]( - A well maintained and written blog with well researched articles on many, many aspects of the Japanese language, fully explained.
  • - [Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese]( - A free online book(incomplete), plus grammar related resources and more useful links.
  • - [Emory University Japanese Kanji Podcast]( - A set of 173 free recordings on iTunes for learning kanji.
  • - [Kanji Damage]( - A wiki for 1,700 kanji with funny explanations, simple mnemonics for radicals, and yo mama jokes, filtered out based on usefulness.
  • ## Practice Tools
  • - [Don's Japanese Conjugation Drill]( - for auto-generated Verb and Adjective conjugation practice.
  • - [Koohi]( - A place to aggregate reading material and practice vocabulary from them, create flashcards, and more.
  • - [Kana Pro]( - for auto-generated Hiragana and Katakana reading practice.
  • - [WaniKani]( - A comprehensive vocabulary practice tool, free till basic level.
  • ## Dictionaries
  • - []( - A comprehensive online dictionary compiled from [multiple sources]( It also includes example sentences with translations, audio for many words, kanji stroke order, JLPT level of each entry, and more.
  • ## Reading Material
  • - [Crystal Hunters]( - A manga which is oriented primarily toward beginner Japanese readers, with a full guide on how to read and understand the book.

Suggested over 4 years ago by Moshi‭