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Stick to the "waypoint". You could also encounter "punt d’inflexió" meaning a "turning point". However, the meaning isn't identical. An inflection point is a point where the direction of travel ...
#1: Initial revision
Stick to the "waypoint". You could also encounter "punt d’inflexió" meaning a "turning point". However, the meaning isn't identical. An inflection point is a point where the direction of travel changes, perhaps abruptly, or somehow interestingly, such as in "turn left and then right". A waypoint is a place which you chose for navigation regardless of whether it's just a conspicuous landmark in the middle of the straight path toward your ultimate destination, or whether it is the single "punt d’inflexió" on the entire route. Waypoint placement has more to do with opportunities to take the wrong turn than with the direction of the main or chosen road at that point, I would think.