Posts by curiousdannii
It is often said that Japanese doesn't really have a pronoun word class, such as in the Wikipedia article on Japanese Grammar: Although many grammars and textbooks mention pronouns (代名詞 daimeish...
Many non-binary people now request that new third person pronouns (neopronouns) be used to refer to them, for example xe or ze. These have not been widely used by English speakers yet, but it's sti...
No. "Language" on this site refers to the natural languages of intelligent beings, not machine languages, music etc. In the absence of another qualifier a "language" is, as I wrote on another site,...
According to Chappell & McGregor (1996: 4) there are four typical types of inalienably possessed nouns: spatial relationships such as the ’top’ or ’front’ of something physical parts, espec...
So to be honest, I have basically zero interest in any of the etymology, language usage, or language learning questions here. I'm here for the linguistics questions. And there's really not a lot of...