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Activity for Nen‭

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Comment Post #292318 thanks again! *"I was only trying to cover what I believed to be the linguistic aspects of the question accessible to non-specialists (in accounting), such as what the term means, how it is composed, and how it compares to other related phrases in English."* Yes, this is what I wanted. I wasn't askin...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292366 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Question How does concernō relate to ‘commercial enterprise' ?
> "concern" is quite old English for an establishment or business of some kind.“ How did this business meaning of concern develop from the Latin concernō that meant “to mix, sift or mingle together (especially as in a sieve”) ? How does concernō relate to this obscure meaning where it ...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292365 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Question Why’s adimō’s prefix ad-, not ab-?
All pages refer to Oxford Latin Dictionary 2012 2nd edition (OLD). Page 48 breaks down adimō as ‘[AD- + EMŌ]”, and defines adimō as follow >1 To remove (something) by physical force (from a person), take away; (spec.) to remove (a part of the body), e.g. by castration. Why isn’t the prefix ab-...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292318 I source authoritative definitions for term now. do they change your answer? ["Going concern" is an accounting term used to describe a business that is expected to operate for the foreseeable future or at least the next 12 months.](
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292278 "If it is about the semantic transition from "counting" to "record keeping", that transition doesn't appear too complicated or surprising to me". *yes, this is my question. this transition is complicated and surprising to me, that's why I asked. but thanks for assistance. can you write out your comm...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292278 Post edited:
2 months ago
Edit Post #292278 Post edited:
2 months ago
Edit Post #292278 Initial revision 2 months ago
Question How does 'counting' relate to ‘course of business dealings requiring records’, ‘arrangement to keep money in a business, bank, etc.’?
I saw this at, but it got closed without answer. I would like answers, thx. Etymonline commences with c. 1300, "counting," especially "reckoning of money received and paid, detailed statement of funds owed or spent or property held". Then in the second pa...
2 months ago
Edit Post #292277 Initial revision 2 months ago
Question Why ‘going’, in “going concern”?
This quote explains that in “going concern”, ‘going’ means ‘ongoing’. >[No, it's not a "concern" in the sense of "worries". It's a concern in the sense of "commercial enterprise, entity". Similarly, it's not "going" in the sense of "leaving" or "going out of business", but "going" as in "ongo...
2 months ago