Comments on How should we customize the Resources category?
How should we customize the Resources category?
I have created the Resources category, as requested. There are a couple customizations available that I have left blank for now:
- The short description at the top of the list.
- (Override of) help that is shown when someone starts to create a post. This should give guidance on how to write a resource article, specifically.
What should these be filled with?
Is the intention to give each language a single top level post ("Mandarin") with multiple categories, or is it encouraged to have separage posts for e.g. "Mandarin learning phone apps list and ratings," "Best textbooks for Chinese language learners," and "Chinese dictionaries?" Sorry, I read the other post but wasn't sure what consensus was.
@Sigma I don't think there really is a consensus. On the one extreme, we could have one resource post for every language, and have headings for each topic. On the other extreme, it could be like a "community blog" where people can post any helpful articles they want and it would be organized by tags instead.
I imagine that it will end up somewhere between the two.
@Sigma Monica Cellio's answer there suggests "Create one article per language for useful resources for that language," which I agree with.
@user53100 I was focused there on resource lists, but I don't see why the category couldn't have multiple posts per language if they're for different purposes. A list of resources for learning a language is different from a description of a grammatical element (like the system of binyanim in Hebrew) or a catalog of changes among versions of a language (AmE vs BritE vs IndianE, or Old French -> Middle French -> Modern French). Tags provide inherent grouping.
@MonicaCellio I imagined that all such resources for the same language would be a part of the same post, but perhaps what you suggest is better. Let's see how it goes
@user53100 let's see what emerges, and remember that we can create links where needed.

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