Comments on Why is the ـً in "شُكْرًا" and others pronounced?
Why is the ـً in "شُكْرًا" and others pronounced?
Why is the -an in "شُكْرًا" (shukran) pronounced?
I've heard it pronounced this way in Modern Standard Arabic and in colloquial. In both, I'd usually expect the -an to not be pronounced, especially not before a pause as "شكرًا" is often used where instead I'd expect it to be pronounced shukra. I think there are others like "أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا", "أَيْضًا", "طَبْعًا" for which the -an is also pronounced. Noteworthy is مَرْحَبًا which I have only ever heard as marḥaba without the -an.
Is there a rule for this exception, for when the -an is pronounced out of the norm?
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