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Comments on Did older Icelandic use any apostrophes? Representing what?


Did older Icelandic use any apostrophes? Representing what?


I am generally unfamiliar with any use of apostrophes in Icelandic, current or older.

However, I just discovered a punctuation mark similar to an apostrophe in quite a few places in this 100 years old article. Those occurrences are mostly found in the right hand side, bottom part of the printed page, and they include the following:

Ég vissi´ ekki hvar[...]

[...]örninn uppi´ á hamrinu[...]

Það tjáir ekki´ að flýja[...]

(The text can be zoomed into using ctrl + mouse click for a closer look.)

The apostrophe only ever occurs at the end of a word, following a final "i", and before a word starting with a vowel. However, the same context may also appear without the apostrophe:

Stella ætlaði ekki að hreyfa sig,[...]

(to be found in the middle column of the same article)

What does the apostrophe stand for?

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Compare with Old Norse (2 comments)
Compare with Old Norse
Andreas demands justice for humanity‭ wrote about 2 months ago · edited about 2 months ago

I don't have an answer for you, but you might find an answer to at least the first part of the title, if you go look at even older languages that modern Icelandic is derived from, and still resemble quite closely. It's been a while since I read old Norse (and pre-Norse) language, but the use of apostrophes does seem familiar when in the Latin scripture.

Jirka Hanika‭ wrote about 2 months ago · edited about 2 months ago

The oldest known printed apostrophe in Europe is from 1496, and the language of that book (De Ætna) was indeed Latin - soon to be followed by Italian, French, and so on. Your comment helped to remind me that the pressure to standardize punctuation, in any language, until the printing press came about, was rather limited, and that various conventions to indicate omission or clitics must have been springing into scribal use constantly, even without being called "apostrophes" at the time. Still, I'm hoping that as the OP points to a newspaper text from early 20th century, there must be something black and white to say on printed Modern Icelandic, too.