Comments on Did older Icelandic use any apostrophes? Representing what?
Did older Icelandic use any apostrophes? Representing what?
I am generally unfamiliar with any use of apostrophes in Icelandic, current or older.
However, I just discovered a punctuation mark similar to an apostrophe in quite a few places in this 100 years old article. Those occurrences are mostly found in the right hand side, bottom part of the printed page, and they include the following:
Ég vissi´ ekki hvar[...]
[...]örninn uppi´ á hamrinu[...]
Það tjáir ekki´ að flýja[...]
(The text can be zoomed into using ctrl + mouse click for a closer look.)
The apostrophe only ever occurs at the end of a word, following a final "i", and before a word starting with a vowel. However, the same context may also appear without the apostrophe:
Stella ætlaði ekki að hreyfa sig,[...]
(to be found in the middle column of the same article)
What does the apostrophe stand for?
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